Quantum Club Membership: The Resource We Dreamed Of!

If you've awakened to the realisation that you are a multidimensional being with a monumental purpose on Earth, welcome to where we stood back in 2020: aware of our supernatural abilities and divine potential, yet unsure how to fully activate them.

If you are asking: how can I align with my soul's purpose, boost my vibrational energy, and advance my spiritual skills—channelling, accessing the Akashic Records, speaking Light Languages, and receiving energetic upgrades - you’ve come to the right place!

When we first awakened as Starseeds, the path was daunting; awakening was merely the beginning. Eager to refine our abilities and create an impact, we found it challenging to locate resources that were both affordable and transformative. Following extensive training with various Galactic Light Beings and witnessing the transformative shifts in ourselves and our workshop participants, we created the Quantum Club—a platform we wished existed for us.

Awakening Is Just the First Step! It’s Time to Reclaim Your Gifts & Expand Your Abilities!

Welcome to a new beginning, a rebirth. The Starseed or Earthseed within you is emerging from a deep slumber, and this is only the start. Having taken the initial steps towards expanding your consciousness and reconnecting with your soul’s essence, now let’s explore new frontiers together and activate the profound mission you were meant to fulfill on Earth. Join a community of brave souls, each equipped with unique mission codes and ancient wisdom, dedicated to elevating planetary consciousness.

Who Is Quantum Club For?

Quantum Club is designed to expand your spiritual abilities if you are:

  • A Starseed: Eager to connect with your Galactic Family, discover, and expand your abilities.

  • A Lightworker: Ready to elevate your practice to new heights.

  • An Open-Minded Individual: Prepared to broaden your spiritual and psychic abilities.

  • A Descendant of Lemuria or Atlantis: Ready to reclaim your rich heritage.

Join a community where each member is on a unique journey towards awakening and empowerment. Whether you’re seeking connection, advancement, or enlightenment, Quantum Club offers the tools and community to support your evolution.



I'm a new Quantum Club member, and I've already received physical healing from transmissions. You won't regret joining! When you join, check out the Quantum First Birthday Surprises! Session 53!


I have been in Quantum Club since the very beginning. It is fantastic! I love Quantum Club. Working with Aeron and Riya is a life changing experience. I totally recommend!


Quantum club is AMAZING, as Aeron says Thursdays are our favourite day of the week!


I appreciate everything given to me today during our session! I also just completed the Artcurian Codes of Inner Healing and found it to be so helpful. I felt strong sensation through upper body, out through my hands. I could feel something/energy moving. I found this session to be so helpful. I appreciate speaking with you today and thanks for getting your teaching/healing out into the world.


I’m thoroughly enjoying the weekly live calls and am motoring my way through the vault, and the Sirian in me just LOVES the way it is organised (thanks Riya!).

Access Weekly Live Sessions & An Expansive Library of 177+ Interactive Lessons

Engage in weekly practical sessions that include Quantum Immersions, bringing the energies of various Light Beings for you to meet and connect with. Experience transformative psychic development exercises, Light Language Activations, and Channelled Q&A sessions. Pose your questions directly to celestial entities such as the Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Lyrans, or the Galactic Federation and receive immediate, enlightening responses.

Unlock immediate access to a comprehensive archive of 177+ sessions and dive into a private support group where your most pressing questions are personally answered. Whether you’re starting your journey or deepening your existing knowledge, our resources are designed to support your spiritual growth every step of the way.

As a member of the Quantum Club, You Will:

  • Master Your Psychic Skills: Elevate your abilities to the highest level through advanced training in energy mastery.
  • Connect with Galactic Light Beings: Engage directly with the Arcturians, Sirians, Lyrans, Andromedans, Pleiadians, Blue Avians, Orions, Dragons, and the Galactic Federation of Light.
  • Access Advanced Consciousness Technology: Recode and rewire yourself energetically using Galactic Light Codes, Frequencies, and Upgrades.
  • Activate Your Light Languages: Unlock the ancient languages of the cosmos to enhance your spiritual communication.
  • Expand Your Consciousness: Learn techniques to elevate your awareness to the Quantum Field and higher dimensions.
  • Discern Galactic Energies: Develop the ability to recognize and differentiate the energetic signatures of various Galactic Light Races.
  • Experience Channelled Transmissions and Activations: Participate in powerful sessions that transform and elevate your vibrational state.
  • Engage in Guided Meditations and Immersions: Deepen your practice and connection to universal energies through guided experiences.
  • Exclusive Monthly Q&A Sessions: Get direct answers to your spiritual questions in exclusive member-only sessions.
  • Connect in a Private Group: Receive support and build connections with like-minded individuals in a confidential setting.
  • Immediate Access to Extensive Resources: Enjoy unlimited access to an ever-growing library of over 177 powerful sessions.
  • Participate in Quarterly Full-Day Workshops: Deepen your engagement and learning with intensive workshops that enhance your spiritual journey.



As soon as I logged in i was met by a well presented, very professional and articulated website with an amazing structure that I cannot wait to get my teeth into. I cannot tell you how impressed i am at first glance at what I have to learn, oh boy have I got some learning!


I just listened to the Live Light Language Activations Session from the Quantum Club vault, and after months of having trouble activating my light languages due to personal resistance, I was finally able to let go, and at least three activated!


I watched the 'Opening Ceremony' yesterday and it was incredibly powerful. I've been sooooo tired (and grumpy) all day today. And very interestingly, I started speaking a new Light Language today whilst out on a walk! I already spoke one language (not sure which) but then I asked today if there was another language that wanted to come through after yesterday's session. And lo and behold, I felt a shift and a very high-pitched very fast language came through. I then played around a bit shifting between the two languages. I'm amazed. Thank you Riya and Aeron for the powerful opening ceremony. I'm really looking forward to getting started on the vault of over 100! Sessions....


After the Quantum Club session today with Riya and the Lyran Feline Race, I cleared a major block to embracing my spiritual gift as a teacher. Riya encouraged me to look into the past life that was the origin of my fear of being killed, and I found it! It was when I was a galactic warrior princess during the Orion Wars. I even spoke light language for the first time ever! This light language healed the wound that had killed me, while my galactic guides applied a special salve to it. I am not scared anymore of teaching spirituality, embodiment and galactic wisdom. Now I am ready to receive the downloads on what I will teach. And I know it was the light codes that Riya channelled that released the blocks to help get me to this point. I am so grateful to both Riya and the Lyran Feline collective!

4 powerful Live Sessions every month!

Every week Aeron and Riya will work with you energetically on a deep level to unlock your divine intuitive gifts to connect deeper than ever before with your Higher Self and Galactic Light Beings such as the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Pleiadians and the Sirians.

  • “Recode and Rewire” session with a Consciousness Technology Code Transmission

  • Channelled Q&A Session with Aeron - ask your questions to different Galactic Races and get your answers instantly

  • Quantum Practice and Immersion: connect to the energies of various Star Nations and develop your Quantum communication abilities

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Quantum Club

    2. Start here!

    3. Join our support group!

    4. Opening Ceremony

    5. Upcoming Live Sessions: August - September 2024

    6. The Loyalty Bonus

    7. Receive Feedback on origins of Your Light Language

    8. Awaken to Abundance Workshop 8 October

    1. Advanced Quantum Instruction and Coaching / The Jedi School

    2. The Akashic Records

    3. Ascended Masters

    4. Beginner Coaching Sessions

    5. Business, Money and Abundance

    6. Channelled Q & A Sessions

    7. Coaching / Community Calls

    8. Energetic Health, Safety and Shielding

    9. Energetic Upgrades & Activations

    10. Light Language

    11. Quantum Practice Sessions

    12. Sessions with Expert Guests

    13. Starseed Readings Archive

    1. The Alpha Centauri Race

    2. The Andromedans

    3. The Arcturians

    4. The Atlanteans

    5. The Beta Centauri (Hadarians)

    6. The Blue Avians

    7. The Dragons

    8. The Elementals / Faeries

    9. The Galactic Federation of Light

    10. The Lemurians

    11. The Lyran Avians

    12. The Lyran Feline Race

    13. The Mayans

    14. The Orions

    15. The Pleiadians

    16. The Sirians

    1. Session 130: The Arcturian Council of Elders

    2. Session 131: Community Call

    3. Session 132: Ascended Master Jesus and Saint Germain - Channeled Upgrades and Q&A with Megan Hill

    4. Session 133: Galactic Federation

    5. Session 134 Part 1: Purification Portal

    6. Session 134 Part 2 Purification Portal: Purification Ceremony

    7. Session 135: Reconnecting with Lyran Avians

    8. Session 136: Channeled Activations + Q & A with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Sarah Rose

    9. Session 137: Access Your Highest Timeline + Abundance Activation

    10. Session 138: Community Call

    11. Session 139: Connecting to the Andromedans

    12. Session 140: Channeling Gaia: Channeled Immersion & Q & A

    13. Session 141: Connect to the Arcturians - Quantum Practice

    14. Session 142: Community Call

    15. Session 143: The Lemurians: Inner Earth Activations and Transmission

    16. Session 144: Alpha Centauri

    17. Session 145: Ascended Masters: The Divine Union Activation with Jesus and Mary Magdalene

    18. Session 146: The Lost History: Portals, Grids, Vortices with the Mayans

    19. Session 147: Solstice Activation with Multiple Races of Light Beings

    20. Session 148: Community Call

    21. Session 149: Quantum Practice with the Sirians: Guided Channeled Immersion and Activations

    22. Session 150: Q & A and teachings from the Arcturian Council of Elders

    23. Session 151: Spiritual Protection: Detecting and Defending Spiritual Attacks Early: Alpha-Centauri Upgrade to Atlantean Technology

    24. Session 152: How to Thrive in 2024: Maximizing Opportunities and Minimizing Pitfalls in the Year of the Wooden Dragon

    25. Session 153: Community Call

    26. Session 154: Guided Immersion with Andromedans - Telepathic Communication with Animals

    27. Session 155: Intuition Development: Practical Exercises for Personal Guidance and Navigating 3D Reality

    28. Session 156: Dragon Extravaganza

    29. Session 157: Community Call

    30. Session 158: Activate Your Light Language

    31. Session 159: Equinox Activations

    1. Session 1: Pleiadian Light Quotient Increase Transmission

    2. Session 2: Channelled Q and A with the Arcturians

    3. Session 3: Light Language Activation and Transmission

    4. Session 4: Quantum Practice Session with the Sirians

    5. Session 5: Understanding the Andromedans: Channeled Meeting

    6. Session 6: Channeled Q&A with the Sirians

    7. Session 7: The Galactic Federation of Light

    8. Session 8: Quantum Practical Exercises - Beginner Friendly!

    9. Session 9: Lyran Avians - Light Language Wing Activation

    10. Session 10: Visiting the Akashic Records with the help of the Pleiadians

    11. Session 11: Reconnecting with the Arcturians

    12. Session 12: Pleiadian Upper Charkas Activation + QA Session

    13. Session 13: Quantum Practice Session with Lemurians

    14. Session 14: Light Languages Activation: activate Languages of Lemuria and Atlantis Part 1

    15. Session 14: Light Languages Activation: activate Languages of Lemuria and Atlantis Part 2

    16. Session 15: Journey to The Akashic Realm

    17. Session 16: Channeled Q & A with the Arcturian Council

    18. Session 17: Meet the Arcturians: Energetic Transmission + Consciousness Expansion Activation

    19. Session 18: How to receive downloads of information from the Galactic Light Beings

    20. Session 19: How to Channel

    21. Session 20: How to read someone's energy field

    22. Session 21: How to Sense, Avoid, and Defend Spiritual Attacks

    23. Session 21: PDF notes

    24. Session 22: How to access and channel Galactic Light Codes with the Sirians

    25. Session 23: Arcturian Upgrades + Codes of Communication

    26. Session 24: Channeled Q&A with the Lyrans

    27. Session 25: Understanding Light Languages

    28. Session 26: Sirian Upgrades: Advanced Coaching Session on Seal Removals (Theory)

    29. Session 26: Sirian Upgrades: Advanced Coaching Session on Seal Removals (Energetic)

    30. Session 27: Channelled Q & A with the Orions

    31. Session 28: Reconnecting with the Andromedans + Upgrade: Communication with Trees

    32. Session 29 Reconnecting with the Pleiadians: Receive a Pleiadian Spirit Guide

    33. Session 30: Reconnecting with the Lemurians: energetic upgrades

    34. Session 31: Healing ancestral trauma and karma

    35. Session 32: The energetics of business & money

    36. Session 33: Arcturian Energetic Upgrades + Working on the Collective Grid

    37. Session 34: Starseed Readings

    38. Session 35: Starseed Readings 2.0

    39. Session 36: Channelled Q & A with the Lyrans Feline Race

    40. Session 37: Session with the Atlanteans: Divine Masculine Activation

    41. Session 38: Starseed Readings Part. 3

    42. Session 39: Quantum Practice: The Galactic Federation of Light

    43. Session 40: Working with The Akashic Records

    44. Session 41: 5D Abundance Codes

    45. Session 42: The Pleiadians: Guidance on New Earth Consciousness

    46. Session 43: How to read energy + divine intuition activation

    47. Session 44: Channeled Q and A with the Blue Avians

    48. Session 45: Reconnecting with the Orions

    49. Session 46: The Secrets of the Dragon Race

    50. Session 47: The Pleiadian Upgrades - Accelerate Your Manifestations

    51. Session 48: Manifesting from the Quantum Field

    52. Session 49: The Starseed Readings 4.0!

    53. Session 50: Starseeds, Earthseeds, and the Planetary Grid

    54. Session 51: How to work with Galactic Spirit Guides

    55. Session 52: Quantum Surprises Part 1

    56. Session 53: Quantum Surprises Part 2

    57. Session 54: Consciousness upgrade: Expanding Chakras and your energetic bandwidth

    58. Session 55: Advanced Spiritual Shielding and Protection Techniques

    59. Session 56: Orions live channeled Q and A + DNA anti-aging upgrades

    60. Session 57: Mayan energy transmission and frequency grid expansion

    61. Session 58: Reuniting with the Arcturians

    62. Session 59: Channeled Q&A with the Blue Avians

    63. Session 60: Coaching Session and Coded Immersion Self-Love + Pleiadeian Upgrades

    64. Session 61: Advanced Coaching Session: Quantum Jumping

    65. Session 62: The Lyran Avians : Flow and Creativity

    66. Session 62 Part 2: The Lyran Avians : Flow and Creativity

    67. Session 63: Light Language Activation

    68. Session 64: Starseed Readings Part 1

    69. Session 64: Starseed Readings Part 2

    70. Session 65: Energetic Health and Safety

    71. Session 66: Channeled Q & A with the Dragons

    72. Session 67: Healing Animals with the Andromedans

    73. Session 68: Astral Shielding

    74. Session 69: Light Language Upgrades to Understanding

    75. Session 70: The Galactic Federation Channeled Q and A

    76. Session 71: Meet the Arcturian Council of Elders

    77. Session 72: Earthseed Activation with Lemurians and Atlanteans

    78. Session 73: Meet the Pleiadian Circle of Light

    79. Session 74: Quantum Practice

    80. Session 75: Activate Money Energy

    81. Session 76: Effective Channeling: Coaching Session

    82. Session 77: Energetic Upgrades and Activations

    83. Session 78: Business Ascension

    84. Session 79: The Dragon Day Workshop Recordings

    85. Session 80: Lion’s Gate Portal Preparation

    86. Session 81: Connect to Lyran Avian Race

    87. Session 82: Energetic Patterns

    88. Session 83: The Arcturian Star Command

    89. Session 84: The Orion history & Orion Wars

    90. Session 85: Quantum Sovereignty

    91. Session 86:: Galactic Federation

    92. Session 87: Throat Chakra Healing and Activation

    93. Session 88 Part 1: Blue Avians

    94. Session 88 Part 2: Blue Avians Divine Union

    95. Session 89: Yarn with Grandmother Mulara

    96. Session 90: Divine Leadership Codes with Lyran Feline Race

    97. Session 91: Channeled Q& A with the Sirians

    98. Session 92: Connecting to the Elementals

    99. Session 93: Ask the Healer: Guest Mari Belzunce

    100. Session 94: Connecting to your Higher Self & Sovereignty Temple

    101. Session 95: Channeled Q and A with the Galactic Federation

    102. Session 96: Quantum Practice Session: Channeling Galactic Beings with Aeron

    103. Session 97: Channelled Session with Mary Magdalene

    104. Session 98: Solstice Activations

    105. Session 99: Energetic Mastery: Enter Your Life’s Operating System

    106. Session 100: Connecting to the Blue Avians

    107. Session 101: Arcturian Upgrades

    108. Session 102: Channeled Q and A with the Orions

    109. Session 103: The Atlanteans: The Codes of Sublimation - Your Quantum Alarm System

    110. Session 104: Channeled Q and A with the Andromedans

    111. Session 105: The Sacred Union Frequency

    112. Session 106: Meet The Dragons

    113. Session 107: Hathor: Divine Feminine Ascended Master with Megan Hill

    114. Session 108: Meeting Alpha Centauri: Guardians of the Galaxy

    115. Session 109: Connecting to the Lemurians

    116. Session 110: Activating and working with Kundalini lifeforce energy

    117. Session 111: Understanding Light Language

    118. Session 112: First Ever Member's Coaching Call

    119. Session 113: Quantum Drill

    120. Session 114: Energy Field & Nervous System Expansion

    121. Session 115: Field Attunement: Channeled Energy

    122. Session 116: Channeled Q&A with Alpha Centauri Race

    123. Session 117: Sirian Seal Removal Technology

    124. Session 118: Galactic Federation: Guided Immersion & Channeled Q & A

    125. Session 119: Community Call

    126. Session 120: Blockchain Economy and Cryptocurrency

    127. Session 120 Part 2: Blockchain Economy and Cryptocurrency

    128. Session 120 Part 3: Blockchain Economy and Cryptocurrency Q and A

    129. Session 121: Starseed Coaching Call

    130. Session 122: The Akashic Records Training

    131. Session 123: Live Light Language Activations

    132. Session 124: Channeling Light Codes

    133. Session 125: Upgrade with the Dragons

    134. Session 126: Channeled Q and A with Andromedans

    135. Session 127: Community Call

    136. Session 128: The Sirian Council

    137. Session 129: Advanced Channeling

    138. Session 130: The Arcturian Council of Elders

    139. Session 131: Community Call

    140. Session 132: Ascended Master Jesus and Saint Germain - Channeled Upgrades and Q&A with Megan Hill

    141. Session 133: Galactic Federation

    142. Session 134: Purification Portal

    143. Session 134: Purification Ceremony

    144. Session 135: Reconnecting with Lyran Avians

    145. Session 136: Channeled Activations + Q & A with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Sarah Rose

    146. Session 137: Access Your Highest Timeline + Abundance Activation

    147. Session 138: Community Coaching Call

    148. Session 139: Connecting to the Andromedans

    149. Session 140: Channeling Gaia: Channeled Immersion & Q & A

    150. Session 141: Connect to the Arcturians - Quantum Practice

    151. Session 142: Community Call

    152. Session 143: The Lemurians: Inner Earth Activations and Transmission

    153. Session 144: Alpha Centauri

    154. Session 145: Ascended Masters: The Divine Union Activation with Jesus and Mary Magdalene

    155. Session 146: The Lost History: Portals, Grids, Vortices with the Mayans

    156. Session 147: Solstice Activation with Multiple Races of Light Beings

    157. Session 148: Community Call

    158. Session 149: Quantum Practice with the Sirians: Guided channeled immersion and Activations

    159. Session 150: Channeled Q & A and teachings from the Arcturian Council of Elders

    160. Session 151: Spiritual Protection: Detecting and Defending Spiritual Attacks Early: Alpha-Centauri Upgrade to Atlantean Technology

    161. Session 152: How to Thrive in 2024: Maximizing Opportunities and Minimizing Pitfalls in the Year of the Wooden Dragon

    162. Session 153: Community Call

    163. Session 154: Guided Immersion with Andromedans - Telepathic Communication with Animals

    164. Session 155: Intuition Development: Practical Exercises for Personal Guidance and Navigating 3D Reality

    165. Session 156: Dragon Extravaganza

    166. Session 157: Community Coaching Call

    167. Session 158: Activate Your Light Language

    168. Session 159: Equinox Activation and Riya's Birthday Surprises

    169. Session 160: New Race: Beta Centauri ( Hadarians )

    170. Session 161: Community Coaching Call

    171. Session 162: Guided Quantum Immersion with the Pleiadians (Part 1)

    172. Session 162: Guided Quantum Immersion with the Pleiadians (Part 2)

    173. Session 163: Equipping you for the New Earth

    174. Session 164: Get to know the Hadarians

    175. Session 165: How to turn your divine gifts into an Impactful Spiritual Business - from the ground up

    176. Session 166: Community Call

    177. Session 167: Guided Quantum Immersion with the Lyran Felines

    178. Session 168: New Earth Business: How to effectively market in a way that feels good for your soul

    179. Session 169: Unity Consciousness with the Blue Avians

    180. Session 170: Community Call

    181. Session 171: Channeled Q&A with the Orions

    182. Session 172: Solstice Activation - Codes and Galactic Activations Extravaganza

    183. Session 173: Connecting to the Galactic Federation

    184. Session 174: Community Call

    185. Session 175: The Sirian Upgrades

    186. Session 176: Learn How to Read Your Starseed Origins

    187. Session 177: Beginner's Guide to Tarot & Oracle Cards

    188. Session 178: Community Call

    189. Session 179: Animal Soul System and Gridwork

    190. Session 180: Divine Feminine Healing with Beta Centauri

    191. Session 181: New Earth Frequency Upgrades with the Arcturians

    192. Session 182 - Walking The Spiritual Path

    193. Session 183: Community Call

    1. Energetic Pathways to Spiritual Mastery

About this course

  • $111.00 / month
  • 385 lessons
  • 383.5 hours of video content



One of the many things that I appreciate from you and Riya is the closeness and the intimate personal relationship you give all your clients. So many spiritual teachers out with many pre recorded video and you can't get answer when you have questions. I am glad and blessed to have found you!


FANTASTIC group of souls aligned with nothing but positive light. No drama. No fillers or preservatives, organic goodness. I love that you can ask questions and always get guidance.


I have learnt to believe that anything Is possible - to desire, reach, manifest, receive. I realised that other Galactic Races exist and want us to feel safe and protected and work with us individually if we are open to that. I can connect with them consciously… that blows my mind


Thank you Aeron and Riya for this special club you have created. Feeling grateful and blessed to have met you and to be part of this wonderful future frequency on a unconditional love. All your teachings are so uplifting! Thank you!


I learn so much at every session! I have learnt more about my connection to Galactic Light Beings, my place in this universe, and what abilities I have. I would recommend this community to everyone, because it gives you tools you can use to have a better life in so many ways!

Aeron Lazar

Ascension Guide & Master Energy Worker​

Aeron Lazar is a renowned spiritual leader, psychic development mentor, and master energy worker. With his unique ability to access the Akashic Records, Aeron specialises in helping individuals clear past-life and ancestral karma, heal deep-rooted trauma, and unlock the pathways to harmony, abundance, and spiritual evolution.

Aeron’s work goes beyond traditional psychic practices; he is an ambassador to several Galactic Star Nations, channelling messages and high-frequency energies from Beings of Light, including the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, and the Galactic Federation of Light. Through his deep connection with these Galactic Beings, Aeron delivers transformative consciousness technology and high-dimensional coded upgrades, guiding you to accelerate your ascension journeys and embody your fullest potential.

Aeron's teachings are rooted in profound wisdom and practical application, empowering his students to reclaim their energy sovereignty and step boldly into their soul-aligned purpose.

Riya Loveguard

5D Business Mentor & Conscious Wealth Alchemist​

Riya Loveguard is a powerful Starseed and Light Language Activator, conscious business strategist, and an Ambassador of Star Races to Earth.

With her extraordinary gift of channelling potent Galactic frequencies through multiple Light Languages, Riya collaborates closely with high-frequency beings such as the Arcturians, Lyrans, Sirians, and other Galactic Beings to assist individuals in manifesting an abundant and purposeful life.

Riya is passionate about teaching others to connect with their Higher Self—the aspect of themselves that transcends 3D limitations and is filled with pure love, wisdom, and compassion. Her unique approach combines deep spiritual activation with practical 5D business strategies, enabling entrepreneurs and conscious creators to align their businesses with the frequency of wealth and expansion.

Blending spirituality with strategic planning, Riya guides her clients to develop authentic, heart-centered solutions that resonate with the higher dimensions, empowering them to thrive both spiritually and materially.